
A. Deadlift
5 @ 40%
5 @ 50%
5 @ 60%
*start new set every 2 minutes*
*add 5-10# total to your training max from cycle 1*
B. Every 2 minutes x 16 minutes - Hang Clean Position 1 x 1 rep + Hang Clean Position 2 x 1 rep (doesn't have to be TNG) @ 80% of 1RM
For time:
10 Power Cleans 185/125
20 Front Squats 185/125
40 Toes to Bar
20 Front Squats 185/125
10 Power Cleans 185/125


  1. Small gym due to work travel adventures:

    A. Single leg deadlift 5 reps per leg @ 20,30,40% TM (I figured half the weight for half the legs was fair?) 20,25,30# Dumbbells
    B. 3x10 per arm bent over rows, 20,25,30#
    Wod: used 40 lb Dumbbells for cleans and squats
    Subbed TTBs for 60 hollow rocks
    Didn't record time but something like 12 minutes
    This was probably way less hard but better than nothing!!

    Ca$hout: 1 min accumulated L-sit

  2. A. 185, 225, 265
    B. Done #215 felt smooth
    + 8:05 (subbed ghd sit-ups for t2b)

  3. A) 105, 15, 150
    B) 120 for first 3 then 125 for last 5
    C) 17:25 RX

  4. A. @120, @150, @180
    B. @120
    (I did something to my elbow, so I had to substitute the power cleans. I almost bailed on the last round of hang cleans)
    C. 15Cal Bike
    Front Squats @135
    40 Knee Raises
    Front Squats @155
    15Cal Bike

  5. A 205,255,305. B:225. C: 11:42 this took the life out of me, rest to long on the t2b

  6. A) 105,125,150
    B) 115 for 3,120 for 3,125 for 2
    C)27:32 failed about 20 times and it became more mental me versus the weight, not sure who won lol
    Last set of 10 cleans were squat cleans

  7. A. 110, 135, 160
    B. 120x6, 125x2
    C. 16:49 @RX

  8. A. Deadlift
    5 @ 40% 165
    5 @ 50% 215
    5 @ 60% 285
    B. 175
    C. 15:50
