
A. 1 Clean + 2 Hang Squat Cleans + 3 Front Squats @ 70-75% of 1RM Clean x Every 2 minutes x 10 minutes
B. Double Kettlebell Front Rack Walking Lunges 3 x 30 meters rest 60 seconds (53/35)
C. Plank Hold on Rings Feet and Body Elevated (use a box) Accumulate 2 minutes
3 sets:
10 TNG Power Clean & Jerks (135/85) *focus on BB Cycling*
25 Second AB Sprint
rest 5 minutes


  1. A. 170 (failed bc I thought we had to to h. P clean… stupid)
    B. Done
    C. Done. 1:05 / :55

    I mentally checked out the first round…
    1- 3:19 / 6
    2- 1:53 / 6
    3- 2:00 / 6

    Little off today but good session. Slowly getting back the rhythm of the oly lifts.

  2. A) 195
    B) 44# x 2 / 53# x 1
    C) Done - 30s / 90s
    E) 1:05-1:10 each round and 7 cals each

  3. A) 125# for three rounds then had to stop
    B) 26# x 3
    C) done unbroken
    D) done

  4. Roll
    Row 1:31
    3 sets
    20 SL dl with 35
    60 sec hollow rock
    30 sec Spider-Man stretch

    Did 1 powe 3 hang power with 170

    Did 10 Cleans 135 25 sec row 8 shots
    Score was number of bullseye

  5. Late Entry:

    Bench Press - 285
    Class WOD - 7:01

    A) 195 (66%)
    B) 53#
    C) Done
    D) Done
