
A. Clean - 1RM
B. Snatch Pull x 1 + Hang Snatch x 1 @ 75-80% of 1RM Snatch E2M x 16 minutes
C1. Side Plank x 45 seconds/side rest 30 seconds
C2. Glute Ham Raise x 8-10 reps (controlled) rest 2 minutes x 3 sets
20 minute clock: RUN
30 seconds Run
30 seconds Jog


  1. A) 165 (tied previous 1RM)
    B) 90/95 (then practiced hang snatches on the side)
    C) done

  2. A) 285, missed 305 3x.
    B) 165
    C) Done
    D) will run in the morning

  3. Ran a mile
    3 sets
    10 Weighted back extension
    15 sotts press 45
    5 squat therapy
    Didn't go crazy. Giving my knees an actual two weeks off. Worked up to 235
    B. Did power snatches at 115, with a long pause and a 5 second pull.
    C. Done
    D. Done but was close to having Em PR her mile so we finished that. Rested 5 then.
    12 seconds black out 48 slow x5
    Rest 5 x2. 1. 68 cals 2 67 cals.
    Ran another mile.

  4. A) today's 1RM = 265 (PR = 275)
    B) 165
    C) done
