A. Pressing Snatch Balance - 3 x 5 rest 1 minute (keep these light and focus on positioning)
B. Hang Power Snatch (position 1) 5 x 3 rest 2 minutes (focus here is no rebend in knees, exlode from poisition 1 and pull yourself under the bar)
C. Snatch Pull - 3 x 3 @ 100% of 1RM rest 1:30 (pull to the knee, pause for 2 seconds than stand to full extension)
10 rounds (for quality not time):
5 Strict Pull-Ups
5 Strict HSPU
:10 L-Sit Hold
4 sets:
500m Row @ 80-85% (keep the pace steady)
rest 2 minutes
*If you competed at BOTB my suggestion would be to take off until Thursday. Whether you feel good or not, the CNS takes a pounding. I would literally just chill. Rest does not mean doing class workouts, but you guys are obviously free to do what you'd like.
A) 95
ReplyDeleteB) 105
C) 150
D) Long time, but attempted Rx HSPU
E) For later, had to leave for work.