
A. Every 45 seconds x 18 minutes (8 sets of each)
Interval 1 (45s) – Snatch Balance x 1 rep
Interval 2 (90s) – Hang Snatch x 1 rep
Interval 3 (135s) – Snatch x 1 rep
Perform all movements at 75-80% of your 1-RM Snatch.
B1. 5 Muscle Ups (scale to 15 pull-ups) rest 2 minutes
B2. 10-12 HSPU rest 2 minutes x 5 sets (practice strict to build strength or kipping to work on cycling)
Every 12 minutes x 36 minutes (3 sets)
Run 1 mile @ 80-85% effort


  1. A. @70#
    B1. 6 strict pull ups
    B2. 2 sets of 8 strict, 2 sets of 10 strict, 1 set of 12 strict
    run in the PM (ran out of time)

  2. A) @ 105#
    B1) Attempted MUs first 2 rounds, then finished with 15 Strict PUs
    B2) 2 Strict HSPU + 8 Kipping HSPU

    Run: 7:03, 7:01: 6:39

  3. A. 65
    B. 15 both butterfly and kipping mixed
    12 strict to a target
    Run - done at track

  4. A. 115
    B. 3 mu + 10 strict pull ups
    #95 strict press 12 reps
    C. 6:39, 6:23, 6:31

  5. A) @75
    B) 6 strict pull-ups
    2 sets purple and red and 3 sets just red
    7 strict HsPU ab mat

    Run: 3 miles at track
