
A. Clean Complex
Clean Pull to knee (pause 2 seconds) x 1 + Power Clean (from pause) x 1 + Hang Squat Clean x 1 - Every 2:30 x 20 minutes ( 8 sets)
*stay with moderate loading and perfect mechanics*
B. EMOM x 10 - 5 TNG Shoulder to Overhead (155/105)
C. Farmers Carry/Waiter Walk Combo x 300 meters (out to corner with one hand in waiter carry, one hand in farmer, switch at corner and come back)
10 sets:
:12 Second MAX EFFORT AB Sprint
rest 1 minute


  1. A. 95, 105x5, 110x2
    B. Done
    C. w/ 25# dumbbells

    Complete (got about 3-4 calories at the end of 12 seconds)

  2. A. 85 x2, 90x2, 95x4
    B. @85
    C. 20# farmers/15# waiters
    D. done

  3. A)@105
    B) done @105
    C) with red kettle bell
    D) completed
    4-5 calories
    6 calls for 3 but I think it went up to that right after the 12 seconds lol

  4. A) 105
    B) 105
    C) done with red kettle bell
    D) completed 3-4 cals

  5. A) 185, 205x7
    B) Done
    C) 44#
    D) 12x5, 11, 10, 8, 10, 8

  6. A. 135 x 1, 155 x 7
    B. Done
    C. 35#
    D. 7 x 3, 6, 7, ?, 6, 8, 6x2

  7. Today was frustrating....
    A. 105x2, 115x6
    B. @105, butttt I'm weak AF and there were fails. Ugh. So annoyed.
    C. 25lb DB, my bad shoulder that had the cortisone shot hurt a lot, so I stopped on that side.
    D. Done. I think I was getting between 3-5 cals per round.

  8. A)155
    C)skipped work
    D)2 rounds 9 calories
    4 rounds 10 calories
    4 rounds 11 calories

  9. I did this at the Blink in Brooklyn this morning, so I tried the best with what they had:
    A. @115
    B. Done with 125#
    C. Done with 35# (Not sure if it was 300m, but I tried my best guess)
    D. No Assault Bikes, so I did 1 minute sprint, 1 minute rest x10 on the rower.

  10. A. #205
    B. Done
    C. 44
    D. No aab subbed 1 mile run #44 vest (8:15)

  11. A. 135, 155, 175, 185, 185, 185, 185, 185
    B. Done
