
Squatting Thoracic Rotations x 15-20 Slow Reps/Side - Include these in your warmup (https://youtu.be/PlHKhMX5YBc)
A. Back Squat
5 @ 65% of TM
5 @ 75% of TM
5+ @ 85% of TM (go to failure with no excessive pausing on top)
rest 2 minutes
B1. Power Clean Cluster 1.1.1 rest 10 seconds between cluster rest 1:30 after each set @ 70% of 1RM
B2. Strict HSPU x 8-10 reps (add deficit or target to make these UB) rest 1:30 x 3 sets
6 minutes Run @ 80% rest 2 minutes x 3 sets *you can do this in PM if needed*


  1. A. 5 @ 105
    5 @ 120
    6 @ 135

    B1: with 80#
    B2: 25# plate + ab mat

    Kept about a 10 min mile pace for the running portion (9:00 was timed mile)

  2. A. 5 @ 160
    5 @ 185
    5 @ 210 (failed the 6th rep. Weak legs)
    B1 @ 160
    B2 with ab Mat and 25lb plate 9,9,6.

    Ran about 2.5 laps per 6min. Kept faster pace then the 5k.

  3. a. (65%= 227)(75%=264)(85%=297.5 x 7 reps)
    b. strained AC joint no OH movement for a little.
    replaced with 2min interval assault bike 1 min rest
    c. doing tonight using mile pacing

  4. A. 5 @ 178
    5 @ 205
    8 @ 233 (Thank you Alex for letting me know when I wasn't getting low enough. I no-repped myself twice.)
    B1. @ 95
    B2. 10 per round on box. (I'm going to try going from feet on box instead of knees next time)
    C. I got about 1 3/4 laps per round.

  5. a.
    5 @ 145#
    5 @ 175#
    12 @ 195#

    b1. @ 145#
    b2. w/ Ab Mat & 10# Plate 10,9,10

    c. Done

    Always play the Hand you were Delt like it was the Hand you Wanted.

  6. A. 5@ 140
    5@ 160
    8@ 180
    B1. @95#
    B2. Used 2 ab mats, got 10 each time. Probably need to lose one ab mat and add a smaller plate next time.
    C. Run- done. Got about 2 1/2 laps around the block each 6 min interval.

  7. A. 185, 215, 11 reps @ 245
    B1. 135
    B2. 10/10/10 to 1 ab mat
    C. Done

  8. A. 215, 250, 11 @ 280
    B. 185, first 2 sets 8 @ deficit, last set 8 no deficit
    C. Done on woodway, 6.5, 7.5, 8.0

  9. A. 125, 145, 6 @ 165 stopped due to my groin
    B1 @88 because I cannot read and did TM
    B2 35 and ab mat 8,8,7
    C. 2.5 laps, 2.5 laps. 2.25 laps around the building

  10. A) 5@125
    B) @90
    HSPU 10 each round - ab mat and 15 lb plate
    C) White Plains track- 3 laps around the track each round

  11. A) 5@155lbs
    B) @160lbs.
    Hspu 10 each round 1st round 10lb plate and ab mat every round after just ab mat
    C) kept up with Andrew

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. A) 5 @ 95#, 5 @107.5, 6@ 120#
    B1) 85#
    B2) sets of 8 with 1 ab mat
    C) 2 1/4 laps, 2 1/4 laps, 2 laps
