
A. Snatch
10 @ 80%
3 sets @ 90%: (goal is all movements unbroken)
Row 350m
15 C2B Pull-Ups
15 KB Swings 70/53
50 Double Unders
12 Toes to Bar
15 OHS 115/75
Row 350m
9 HSPU (strict)
15 Push Jerk 115/75
rest 5 minutes


  1. A. 115
    B. 9:30, 9:20, 9:50. The ctb and ttb I had a hard time doing ub. One set of du I got ub.

  2. A) 190 (missed 1 rep, but hit 10 total)
    7:47, right shoulder tighten intensely during the 2nd round C2B

  3. A: 2@100 + 8@105 + 3F@105

    8:45 - 3 sets on DUs and 9/6 on jerks
    9:52 - 9/6 on jerks
    10:11 - 3 sets on DUs and 9/6 on jerks

    I'm still pretty sick and sound like a man so am OK with these times. I was proud I did the OHS unbroken. They were super slow and my elbows are killing me right now, but still was worth it.

  4. A. 95

    -Subbed wall balls to a 10 ft target for the push jerks
    -c2b and tab were toughest to keep unbroken for me

  5. A: 5 at 175 an 5 for 185 no misses felt really light an I felt great tonight. B:6:42 did c2b, kb, Ohs, hsp Unbroken, ttb did 8 an 4 an push jerks 10 an 5. Second round: 7:31 did c2b, kb, Ohs, an hsp unbroken, ttb did 7 an 5 gotta get better at these an push jerks 8 an 7 was getting alittle tired. Third round: 8:30 I almost pass out but I fought thru it, c2b, kb Ohs, hsp an push jerks unbroken, I literally went all out on the jerks an collapse on the floor like a little baby lmao, ttb all 3s struggling with these, but I felt really gd tonight except for the third round

  6. A: 9-10 @ 165. Lost focus on the miss. Had a small breakthrough with snatching tonight. Hoping it carries over into next week.

    1 - 8:30. All unbroken
    2 - 9:37. Broke OHS into 2 sets
    3 - 10:07. Broke C2B and KBS into 3 sets

    Holy shit that shit was tough. Maybe 'cause it was 930 at night. Idk. Good one though.
