
I'd like to start getting the team together to train every Saturday, one week we will do Pelham at 11am, the following week we will do White Plains at 1pm.  Come January this will be mandatory.  Tomorrow we will meet at Pelham and I'll be there to coach.  Please comment if you can make it.

Open WOD 11.4
10 minute clock:
60 Bar Facing Burpees
30 OHS 120/90
10 Muscle Ups

rest 30-60 minutes

Row 500m @ 15 seconds of PR pace
rest 3 minutes x 6 sets
*this is not optional - IT'S GO TIME*


  1. In.. But just to confirm the rest of the month..

    12/13- 11 @ Pelham
    12/20- 1 @ WP
    12/27- 11 @ Pelham
    01/03- 1 @ WP......


  2. Confirmed. we will alternate every other week unless we need to practice certain skills in one area versus the other. Also, I'm away for 2 weekends from now to the open, but you guys should still get together. The drive is only 15 minutes so I'm glad you and Craig will be heading down, I'll expect the same from the Pelham crew the following week.

  3. I won't be able to go for tomorrow, sorry

  4. 98. 8 MUs. Going to work on MU efficiency.

    Rowing: Kept a sub 1:40 pace each round

  5. 9:06 didn't know u had to go back to the burpees lol

  6. A: 4 MUs

    Need to work on my engine as burpees felt real slow (finished them at 4:30ish) and legs fatigued. OHS I was nervous for but I was able to do them in 4 sets (11-8-6-5) just took too much rest time in between. Need to trust that I'm strong enough to start the next set without needing that break. Got to MUs at 8:30ish and got 4. 2, 1+1f, 1, 1. Not too happy with this wod, but if we retest I know where I have to speed up and where to rest, and will finish those MUs dangit (+1 burpees!)!

    B: Row with Mel was fun. Again, need to build my lungs and continue to get my legs stronger.

  7. 107 reps.
    For the row kept it at 1:45 or under the whole time. Last interval kept it at 1:35 for the first 250 then felt too much fatigue in my legs so had to bring it back to 1:45.

    Overall, pleased with the row. Definitely need to continue working on MU efficiency while under fatigue.

  8. 93.

    Burpees 3:41
    OHS finished at 9:32
    No excuse. Beat

    Row was good. Steven and I kept close to the tall crew Craig and Todd.
