
A1. Push Press - 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
A2. Muscle Ups - 5 x 2-6 reps rest 2 minutes (girls 4-6 strict pull-ups)
B. Snatch Pull to Knee - 3, 3, 3, 3 *build from last week* rest 2 minutes
C. Snatch - 4 x 1.1.1 (rest 15 seconds b/t singles) rest 2 minutes (65-75%)
D. L-Sit - accumulate 75 seconds
Cash Out:
5-10 minutes - practice pistols and HSW


  1. A: push press- 95,100,105,110,115
    115 got only three reps couldn't get last one up.
    A2: strict pull-ups: did 5-6 reps
    1-2 strict rest with purple band
    B: snatch pull to knee- 120 lb.
    Heavier than my 1rm bc my issue is the pull!
    Need to keep that chest up!
    C: snatch- worked more on dropping under instead of riding it down
    D: l sit done in 4 sets

    Handstands got one for two steps on hands ha!
    Pistols one leg they are smooth and great worked on lunges and strength and other leg.

  2. A1. Push Press: 105-115-120-125-130
    A2. Strict Pull Ups: 6 pulls ups for each set. Did the first 4 sets with 10 pound chain, did the last set with 15 pounds.
    B. Snatch Pull: 105-105-115-115
    C. Snatch Clusters: 65-70-70-75
    D. L Sit: 75 seconds unbroken

    Pistols: They are improving. Working on controlling them and getting full depth
    Handstand Walk: This is going to take some work. Was able to stay in a handstand and get a few steps here and there.

  3. A1: 90-100-105-110-110
    A2: 5 each round
    B: 105-105-115-115
    C: 65-70-70-75
    D: 35s-20s-20s
    Before I could BARELY make 20s (thumbs up sign)

    Lets get a handstand off the wall first...

  4. A1: 175,185,195,205
    A2: 6 each set
    B: All at 205
    C: All at 155 (75%, no reps missed)
    D: 55 seconds, 20 seconds
    Handstand work, and also worked on the gymnastic kip

  5. A1. Push Jerk - 105, 115, 125, 125 (failed last rep),115
    A2. Strict Pull Ups 6, 6, 6, 6, 4 tried to do strict chest to bar, couldnt quite pull to chest but got chin higher over bar
    B. Snatch 1st Pull @ 135
    C. Snatch - 95, 95, 95, 100
    D. L-Sit - 40sec, 20 sec, 15sec

    Worked on pistols and was able to handstand walk for the first time!

  6. A) 175/5, 175/4, 185/2, 185/3, 195/4
    B) 205
    C) 155, 155, 165, 165
    D) 25-25-23-2

    Pistols on the right foot were good, still coming up on my toes on the left
    Handstand walks: need work on foot positioning

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. A1)110, 110, 115, 115, 120
    A2)5,5,5,5,6 with purple band (should've done 6 every round)
    C)85, 85, 90, 90
    D):30, :25, :20
    Cashout - did 1 min alternating Pistols, 1 min hsw practice. getting better at the hsu!

  9. A1. PP= 95/105/105/110/115
    A2. Strict PUs- 5 sets of 5 with 20 lb chain
    B. Snatch pull- all @ 110
    C. Snatch - 75/85/85/85
    D. L-Sit- 30/30/15

    10 min of pistols (trying to do them without holding foot) and handstand walks (not very successful)

  10. A1. Push Press – 4,4,4,4,4
    = 115-125-135-145-150
    A2. Muscle Ups 5×2-6 r: 2m
    *My left arm comes up before my right arm...muscle deficiency most likely... this is very frustrating*
    B. Snatch pull to knee 3-3-3-3 *build from last week*
    C. Snatch – 4x 1.1.1 (r:15s b/t singles) r:2m (65-75%)
    = 95-105-115-115
    *snatches felt a bit off today*
    D. L-sit – accumulate 75s
    Cash out
    Pistol work - my right leg sucks at doing these. my left one is better...
    Hs walk work - walked halfway across the gym and further with all 3 attempts done

  11. A1. 135, 155, 165, 170, 175

    A2. Made 2 attempts at MU Needs a lot of work / 5 Strict Pull Ups X 5

    B. 135, 135, 155, 155

    C. 95, 95, 95, 95
    Felt a little better with the Snatch today. Still needs a lot more work, so I will start taking the Oly class.

    D. 20, 20, 20, 15 - Have to remember to breath with exercise. I noticed I was holding my breath. Once I started controlling my breathing it felt a little easier.

    Cash Out:
    Pistols Felt great. Was able to get full ranger of motion. Now I need to focus on speed.

    HS. Was able to get up into a handstand and hold it for a few seconds...about 5 - 7 seconds.

  12. A- 95/1,1; 105/1,1; 115/1,1; 120(2)/1,1; 120(3)/1, 1
    B- 110
    C- 75, 85, 95, 105(1)
    D- :58, :17

    Did singles on MUs to not push elbow. Wrapped it on snatches and felt more confident throwing the bar back.

    Saw Dana's post on the freestanding HSPU and tried it tonight and got it! Tight core is key. :-)

  13. A: 165-4, 175-4, 175-2-1-1, 185-2-1-1, 185-2-2
    B: 185 all sets
    C: 135 all sets. All sorts of problems with search tonight. Couldn't pull it all together.
    D. 25-20-15-15

    Tried and got my 1st at temp at HOW

    *Elbows hurt doing MUs when I got to the dip position. Chalking it up to not doing any MUs in a couple weeks

  14. A1: 155 165 175 185 195
    A2: Strict Pull-ups 8 each round
    B: 185 all sets
    C: 100 115 115 115
    D: 1*15sec 6*10sec

  15. A1. 165, 175, 185, 195, 205
    A2. Muscle up- 6, 4, 6, 6, 10 UB
    B. 175
    C, 115 all sets. failed once in each set
    D. 50 sec, 25 sec

    26 tempo pistols, almost HS walked a full lap around the gym

  16. A1. 165, 175, 175, 185, 175
    A2. 6 Muscle ups unbroken each round. Got a nasty rip on my right palm in the process.
    B. Clean pulls at 185
    C. All snatches at 135. Felt good, form was good. Failed two b/c I caught too forward.
    D. Did Sets of 20 seconds with 90 degree posture.
    E. Did handstand walks. Able to walk halfway across gym floor, though not my PR.

  17. A1 - 85, 95, 105,105, 110
    A2 - 4, 4, 5 (4 made it all the way up), 5 attempts 4 made it up, 5 attempts 2 made it up
    B - Snatch Pull 105#
    C - Snatch - 65, 65, 65, 75 - my shoulders were pooped, the last set was not my best, but I did a couple extra at 75 to end on a good note
    D - 31 sec, 30 sec, 15 sec
    E - did a couple HSWs, wasn't my best walking, but was able to hold the handstand well.

  18. A1. 85, 95, 105, 110, 110
    A2. Strict Pullups: 5, 6, 6 5, 6
    C. Snatch 1st pull @ 105
    D. Snatch Clusters: 65, 65, 65, 75 *these Did not feel the best. I think I've reached some plateau here, my snatch needs remedial help*
    E. L-sit: 30, 30, 15
    -Cash Out: focused on handstands since I need tons of work here. Focused on nicely kicking up and bringing my feet away from the wall to hold free standing.

  19. A1/A2 - 135/6, 135/5, 145/6, 145/4, 150/5
    Snatch Pull - 155, 165, 170
    Snatch - 95, 105x3
    LSit - 75s Broken

    Cash out was fun, first unassisted pistols. More efficient and better balanced handstand walks.

  20. Push press 75, 75, 85, 90, 90
    Pullup (assisted) 4,4,4,4,4
    Snatch pull knee, 85, 95, 95, 95
    Snatch 35# worked on form
    L sit 5, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

    Cash out
    12 pistols with a plate and on a ball
    Practiced wall walks and walking 3 steps to the right and left each time did thia for 10min
