
0 - 10:00
Run 1 mile
10:01 - 20:00
5 rounds:
12 KB Swings 70#
12 Burpees
20:01 - 40:00
Row 2000m
30 Squat Clean Thrusters 155/95
40:01 - Finish
Run 1 mile


  1. The first run took it at a steady pace came in at 8:02
    Finished KB and burpees at 17:38 took 7:38
    KB had to break three of the rounds into 8 and 4, burpees pretty quickly.
    Off rower at 28:29 took 8:29. Started thrusters at 29:30.
    Finished thrusters with no time left over.
    Overall time: 48:36

  2. Mile:8:04
    Kb/burp. 9:29 rx
    Row: 8:41
    Squat clean thruster: 17 @ rx

  3. Didn't mark the times down besides the squat clean thrusters (took me 7 1/2 minutes).. Did KBs unbroken.. Run was tough as expected.

  4. I did not track this work out very well....

    I finished the mile around 7:30 and felt fine after that.

    KB and Burpees took a lot out of me and finished with a 1 minute rest

    Row felt good and I was able to keep a 2:05 - 2:10 pace.

    Thrusters KILLED me!!! I did not do the RX weight but was able to get all 30 reps with no time to spare. I did this at 135 lbs.

    Run was very hard finished at 50:10.

    Very good workout... Wish i got more sleep for it...

    Mobility 15 mins

  5. 1st mile right around 8 minutes.
    Finished KB and Burpees with almost 2 minutes left.
    Row at a steady 2:05 pace... Squat clean thrusters finished all 30 with about 2 minutes left also.
    Last run felt good.

  6. 0-10: 7:18
    10-20: 8:34
    20-40: 36:52
    40-finish: 8:30

    First time ever squat clean thrusters at 95 came in sets of more than 2, this workout destroyed me I'm still shaking

  7. 1 mile: 7:45
    AMRAP: 8:30
    Row 2k 9:20ish
    Squat Clean Thursters: finished 30 with 10 seconds left
    Run 1 mile: 9:46

    Need to work on running. Second mile I was on the struggle bus

  8. 1 mile: 6:30
    12 Kb/ 12 burps: 6:58
    2nd row: 8:05
    30 squat clean thrusters 155: 9:00
    1 mile: 8:00

    Thrusters and the last mile were rough.

  9. 1 mile: 7:57
    5 rounds 12 kb 53#/12burpees 9:23
    Row 2k (10:36) & completed 28 squat clean thrusters @75#s with no time left
    1 mile: 10:23
    Total time 50:23
    First time ever doing a Sadistic Saturday, I didn't puke so I'll take it.

  10. 1 mile: 6:42
    5 rounds- 12 KB Swings/ 12 Burpees: 7:31
    2k Row: 8:40
    30 Squat Clean Thursters (155): 25, took way too much rest time between each set. Time flew by out of nowhere
    1 mile: Immediately as I started the run my left shoe untied itself and kept sliding off so it felt like I was running in a fucking slipper. 9:20, next time will assure that my shoes are tied

  11. run 1 mile 6:36
    5 rds 12KB swing 12 Burpees 7:26
    Row 2k 8:15
    30 Squat clean thruster 9:15
    (started the cleans @ 30:00)
    Run 1 mile 7:43

    Total time 47:43

  12. Run 1 mile : 7:48
    - took this very steadily
    5rds: 7:31
    - felt like I paced myself well. Only broke the swings once in the third round bc I went on my toes by accident.
    Row 2k : 9:00
    30 sqt cln thruster: 26 reps rx (started at 30:00)
    Did one about every 20-30s. This weight was very heavy for me so I'm happy with this. Fuck the row.
    Run 1 mile: 9:59
    This run was brutal - sucked to run alone - but otherwise fun.
    Brutal but great workout

  13. Mile: around 7 min
    Swings/burpees around 17:00
    Row and thrusters finished around 36:30
    Last mile 47:56

  14. 1st mile: 8:32
    Swings/burpees: 17:33 (so it took 7:33)
    2k Row: 9:49 *this row killed me, I really had nothing for it, just couldn't pick up the pace on it*
    Squat Clean Thrusters: Got to 27, really should've finished these, I think if I could have gotten off the rower faster I would've finished. But on the bright side, the weight actually felt ok, and I felt I was moving through them pretty well.
    Last mile: around 9:15, so total: 49:15

  15. 0-10: 1 mile in 6:28
    10-20: swings and burpees at 16:27
    20-40: 2,000 m row at 28:58 then 30 squat clean thrusters at 35:25
    40-finish: 1 mile at 46:36

    -loved this workout :)

  16. 7.17 - 1st Mile Run
    6.06 - KB Swings & Burpees

    8.11 - 2K Row
    18.58 - S.Clean Thrusters

    8.00 - 1 Mile Run

    Squat clean thrusters seemed most difficult going in and psychologically testing as perceived it heavy but dealt with them ok. Row was better when copying others pacing.

    Solid week one done.

  17. I had to fit this one in at 7am...exercising this early is not ideal for me :(

    A - 9:30 pace for the first mile - I felt sooo sluggish

    B - KB Swings 53# (unbroken) & Burpees - the burpees just felt gross and the KB swings got my back super tight and had cramping all the way to my feet. It didn't help that I did a couple extra rounds...it pays to write out the workout in front of you when you're super tired :(

    C- 2K row 9:30, Squat Clean Thusters 95# - 22 - The weight felt good. My back was so tight that towards the end it was painful catching in the full squat I couldn't keep a fast enough pace to get them finished in the remaining time.

    D- 9:48 mile run - I had to stop a few times because my back was so knotted up. it was brutal, but I finished the run.

  18. about an 8 min mile for first one

    KBs - did first two sets unbroken, then 9-3 for last three, burpees were slow but fine.

    2k row- lungs were hurting (asthma was bad this day), but finished just over 8 min; only got to 22 Squat clean thrusters. Need a lot of work on thrusters-- basically broke up into three movements- power clean, front squat and push press. Squatting was the hard part.

    last mile was tough- chest felt like i had a 50 lb weight on it. finished in 855, so 48:55 end time.

  19. 0-10:00 - 6:28 mile
    10:01-20:00 - 16:46 done with 5th round of 12 and 12
    20:01-40:00 - 28:36 done with row, 36:00 done with thrusters
    40:01- Finished in 47:16
