
A1. Push Press - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
A2. Strict Pull-Ups - 5 x 8-10 rest 2 minutes (girls 4-6)
B. Snatch Pull to Knee @ 100% Max Snatch - 3, 3, 3, 3 rest 2 minutes *focus on keeping back angle constant from floor to knee - have a partner watch*
C. Hang Snatch - 4 x 1.1.1 (rest 15 seconds between singles) rest 2 minutes after each set (65-75% of Snatch)
D. L-Sit - Accumulate 60 seconds


  1. A1. Push press: 100-110-120-125-125(4)
    A2. Strict Pull Ups: 6-6 (weighted w/10 lbs), 6(10#), 6(10#), 5(10#)
    B. Snatch Pull @ 95
    C. Hang Snatch Clusters: 65-65-70-75
    D. L Sit: Unbroken 60 seconds

  2. A. Push Press/ Strict Pull Ups
    115/8, 115/10, 135/8, 135/10, 155 (3 reps) / 8
    B. Snatch Pull @ 145
    C. Hang Snatch Clusters: 95-105-110-115
    D. L Sit: 42s/18s

  3. A. Push Press/ Strict Pull Ups
    85/4, 95/4, 95/8, 95/4, 100/4
    B. Snatch Pull @ 110
    C. Hang Snatch Clusters: 65-75-75-85
    D. L Sits 60 sec accumulated

    ***struggled big time on the hang snatches- its been a while!! Also I'm most certainly feeling the ring dips as I attempt to use my arms today haha. Rest tomorrow :)

  4. Push Press - 95, 105, 115, 115, 120
    Strict Pull Ups - 4 (18lb weighted), 4 (weighted), 4 (weighted), 6 (unweighted), 6 (unweighted)
    Snatch Pull @ 135
    Hang Snatch - 95, 105, 105, 105 failed a rep in both middle sets
    L-sit - 38 seconds, 12 seconds, 10 seconds

  5. A: 145/8 145/8 145/4-3-1 155/5-2-1 155/3-2-111
    B: 155
    C: 115. (Tough. Awkward)
    D: pitiful but I did 60sec total 4-8 sec at a time an nowhere near a perfect L

  6. A1. 75-80-80-80-80
    A2. Assisted pul-ups
    B. Do not know what my 1 rep max is but I chose to do 105lbs
    C. 75-75-75-75
    D. 10x6

  7. A1: 65,65,65,70,75
    A2: 4,4,4,4,6
    B:75,75,85,85 - 1st time doing movement
    C: 55,55,55,55 - 1st time doing movement
    D:26 seconds first then broken up into 3 other attempts to reach 60 seconds

  8. A1: 155,165, 175,185, 195
    A2: 10 reps each set w/26lbs
    B: All at 205lbs
    C: All at 155lbs (75%), no reps missed
    D: 38 seconds, then 22 seconds

  9. A: 85/5, 95/5, 95/5, 105/5, 105/4
    B: 85- focusing on body positioning really helped
    C: 65,65,70,70
    *couldve gone heavier but I really need work on my form so I'm taking this movement slow. Ironically really need to get under the bar FASTER
    D: nemesis aka L sits
    Someone please tell me why my hips burrrrrrn when I do these

  10. A1. 135 145 165 175 190
    A2. 8 reps all 5 sets
    B. 165
    C. 95
    D. These were a struggle. 6-10sec holds until i accumulated the 60secs.

  11. A1. Push Press all @ 165
    A2. 10 pullups. Had to break them up rounds 3-5
    B. Snatch 1st pull @ 175.
    C. Hang snatch all @ 115. Weight not an issue, catching in full squat an issue. Need more work.
    D. 60 sec L-sit. 20-20-20

  12. A1. 115, 135, 145, 155, 185
    Movement felt good and I probably should have started higher than 115

    A2. 6/2, 5/3, 6/2, 6/2, 6/2
    Hands and grip went way too early on the pull-ups. I used gloves but my hands still felt sore.

    B. 115, 135, 135, 155
    Snatch needs a lot of work.

    C. 95, 95, 95, 95
    I really struggle with this move, but by my last rep my Snatch improved. Still needs a lot more work but today some progress was made. I have a better understanding of the movement and I am looking forward to doing the Snatch again.

    D. 15s, 15s, 14s, 16s
    Need to improve on my form. I was in no way close to being in an L.

    Enjoy the rest day...

  13. A - 85/5 with 10#, 95/5 with 10#, 100/5 with 10#, 105/5 with 10#, 115(3)/5 with 10#
    B - 110
    C - 75, 85, 90, 100 (failed all 3...http://instagram.com/p/pFrd2QFVvL/)
    D - 60 seconds unbroken

    Frustrating night as I begin to realize how much upper body strength I lost, but happy to at least be snatching again. Love the challenging atmosphere during these workouts.

  14. A: 165/10, 165/9, 175/8, 175/8, 175/8
    B: All at 195
    C: All at 145
    D: 25s, 25s, 10s

  15. A- 75#/4, 85#/4, 95#/4, 95#/4, 105#/4 (the last pull up for the two sets were really difficult, it seems it has been a while :( )
    C- 65#, 65#, 75#, 75#, 75# - The 4th set was ugly so I re did it
    D- 22, 23, 16

  16. A1. Push press all at 165.
    A2. 10 Strict pullups no weight
    B. Snatch Pulls at 185
    C. Hang Snatch - 115, 115, 125, 135 - no misses. All felt good.
    D. L sit in 4 sets. Tried to keep upright torso and legs straight and above 90 degrees.

  17. PP/pullup 155/8 w/ 18#, 165/10, 175/10/ 185/10, 195/10
    Snatch pull- 175#
    hang snatch @ 115
    L-sit- 55sec, 5 seconds

  18. A.1 Push Press: 85/85/95/95/95 (shoulder was bothering be)
    A.2 Pullups- 6 with 10# for all five sets
    B. Snatch pulls at 105
    C. Hang Snatch clusters 75/75/85/85
    D. Lsits 3 sets of 20 sec.

  19. A. 75#/5, 85#/5, 95#/5, 95#/5, 105#/5
    B.Snatch 1st pull @ 105#
    C. 65, 65, 75, 75 *really trying to work on speed and dropping under the bar as that is a big issue as the weight increases*
    D. L-sit: 30 sec & 30 sec

  20. Push press:
    4 with purple band and 2 strict for each round
    Snatch pull: 110-115
    Hang snatch cluster: 60-65-70-75
    List: 4 sets of 15 seconds

  21. Push press 70/80/90/90/95
    Strict pull up 6/6/6/6/6 with green band
    Snatch pull 95
    Hang Snatch Cluster 65/65/65/65 worked on form.
    L Sit 30s/30s

  22. Push press:
    85-95-95-100-105 (failed on last 3 reps of 105)
    6 Strict, 4 Strict, 4 Strict, 4 Strict, 4 Strict (body weight only)
    Snatch pull: 110-120
    Hang snatch cluster: 75, 85, 90, 100 (failed on all 3 at 100) Sat at the bottom and tried to stablize but ended up losing it on the raise.
    List: 4 sets of 15-20 seconds

  23. A)115, 115, 115, 115, 115
    A2) 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 with purple band (struggled UGH)
    D:20, :20, :20
